Nehemiah 13

Apr 15, 2020    Kenny Pope

A man Nehemiah, was convicted by God to step out and complete an almost impossible task.
Rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem that had been a waste land for over 150 years.
Yet thru prayer and patience, Nehemiah waited until the right moment to be a part of a project was supported and funded all by an unbelieving king whom Nehemiah served.
Rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem and it was accomplished in 52 days!

God has done an amazing work through Nehemiah, God has also done an amazing work in building the faith of the people throughout this rebuilding project.
God has taught the people that He would protect them. Yet it wasn’t an easy lesson for them.

Fear of attack, fear for lack of provision, fear of old ways and old thinking tempted the people to quit and run. Yet they learned perseverance! God taught them again, to depend on Him.

The protection of the city was established and the people were re-inhabiting the city walls!

The word of God was being read, taught and implemented in the daily lives of the people.
They found instruction in God’s word, by reading God’s word. And they chose to be obedient.
Worship and dedication to the Lord was celebrated.

We left off in chapter 12 that Nehemiah had re-established the functionality of the temple.
Not only was this a place of sacrifice to the Lord, it was a place of giving to the Lord. Celebrating and worshiping the Lord.
And the priest, singers, gatekeepers were all being supported, as God instructed thru the tithes and offerings of the people. To maintain all that God designed.